Prof. Dr. rer. med.
Astrid SonntagProfessur für Psychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Sozial- und Gesundheitspsychologie
Curriculum vitae
Clinical and Academic Training
- Diploma in Psychology, University of Leipzig
- Systemic Therapy, Coaching and Supervision, Systemic Society Germany
- Pediatric Palliative Care, Academy of Palliative Medicine and Hospice, University of Dresden
- Clinical Hypnosis (Milton H. Erickson)
- Client-centered conversational psychotherapy
Professional Career
- Current Position Full Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Architecture and Social Sciences, Leipzig, University of Applied Sciences
- Research Assistant
- Research and Transfer Centre, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences
- Faculty of Social Sciences, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences
- Department of Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University of Leipzig - Coordinator of Outpatient Child Hospice, Leipzig
- Research Assistant, Department of Psychiatry, University of Leipzig
Research Experience
- since 1998: dementia, nursing homes, health in the elderly
- since 2008: evaluation of psychotherapy training in Germany, migration and health
- since 2011: volunteering and health service, community based interventions
Research Interests
- health services research, Palliative Care
- Leistner U., Schubert K., Sonntag, A. (2019): [From Vision to Reality - Establishment of a Coordination Office for Municipal Health in Leipzig]. In: Böhm K., Bräunling S., Geene R., Köckler H. (Eds.): [Health as a responsibility to society]. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Sonntag, A., Leistner, U. & Grande, G. (2013) [Wishes and worries of caregiving relatives concerning volunteers. Special Needs of Migrants.] [Migration and Social Work], 4, S. 362-369.
- Sonntag, A. (2012) [Patients with undefined physical complaints]. In Hoefert, H.-W. & Härter, M.(Eds.), [Difficult Patients]. Bern: Huber (S.19-28).
- Sonntag A, Glaesmer H, Barnow S, Brähler E, Fegert JM, Fliegel S, Freyberger HJ, Goldbeck L, Kohl S, Lebiger-Vogel J, Leuzinger-Bohleber M, Michels-Lucht F, Spröber N, Willutzki U, Strauß B (2009): [Psychotherapists‘ education from the perspective of trainees, Results of a survey in Germany]. Psychotherapeut, 54(6), 427-436.
- Sonntag, A., Matschinger, H., Angermeyer, M.C. & Riedel-Heller S.G. (2006). Does the context matter? Utilization of sedative drugs in nursing homes – a multilevel analysis. Pharmacopsychiatry 39: 142-149.