Vinátta Tower
Leonie Scholz & Tom Rumberger
Two bodies out of concrete, blank as the first page of a book. Litte signs of marks and stains. Nature is strongly present and projects pictures on you. Up high in velvet clouds and your feet between lavarocks and black sand. These days when you feil in love with everything you saw, everyone you met and every idea that came to your mind. Made plans only to throw them over the next second. When you read books, remembered a lang forgotten sang, created art. Moments when you were concerned and desperate. When you feit too much and not enough all at the same time. You dreamed hours away, lost yourself in perspectives and refelctions to find yourself back there. Circled around between thick walls and thin glas. All gained experiences. Marks on you.
'The VINA TT A TOWER" will guide you to an mystic place where its winds of lceland hail from a far distance but feel so close at the same time. On the edge of the world and between a powerfull friendship of two continents to cherish illusions of what has been and still is. The archicteture puts you in a state of mind that make's you aware of the rough and pure souroundings. Where things you've known get replaced with different stories - ready to be told.
Leonie Scholz & Tom Rumberger