Inter-Weave - positionen

Catherine Pease, vPPR Architects, London - Hamburg
Lecture and Talk in English
Under the title “Inter-Weave”, Catherine Pease presents the diversity of projects by vPPR Architects, which she co-founded with Tatjana von Preussen and Jessica Reynolds in London in 2009. vPPR architects developed the exhibition design for artists such as Marina Abramović and Michael Craig-Martin at the Royal Academy of Art and also the designs for exhibitions such as “RE/SISTERS” or “Body Politics” by Carolee Schneemann at the Barbican Art Gallery. Other projects deal with the transformation of existing structures, such as the disused Camden Highline railway viaduct between Camden Town and King's Cross, where vPPR Architects in collaboration with James Corner Field Operations design a green walkway for London. The historic Stables Market in Camden was given a new roof made of black and brown steelwork and was thus made usable as a rooftop bar called “The Lucky Club”. Unconventional architecture has also been used for living in the metropolis, as in a new house in a former taxi garage. This house, which is shielded from the outside world, has several vaulted roofs with skylights so that natural daylight reaches the ground floor and enables high-quality living at this location.
The lecture will be followed by an opportunity for discussion. The event in the positionen series will take place on Wednesday at 19:15 in lecture hall Li 415, Architekturetage, Lipsius-Bau HTWK LEIPZIG, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 145.
Die bestätigten Vortragsbesuche werden als Fortbildungsnachweis von der Architektenkammer Sachsen anerkannt.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung durch:
- Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten BDA
- Architektenkammer Sachsen
- FSB Franz Schneider Brakel
- HTWK Leipzig und Förderverein HTWK Leipzig
HTWK Leipzig, Fakultät Architektur und Sozialwissenschaften / Konzeption: Annette Menting